Westpark Elementary School
Clinic Information
Should My Child Stay Home?
It is recommended that your student should stay at home if any of these symptoms exist:
Temperature of 100.0º Fahrenheit (37.8° Celsius) or greater
A rash with fever
Sore Throat
Persistent coughing or breathing problems
Loss of appetite
Yellowing of the whites of the eyes or of the skin
Persistent irritability or crying
Unusual tiredness
Students should return to school:
Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications. Fever is a temperature of 100° Fahrenheit (37.8° Celsius) or higher
after diarrhea and or vomiting has stopped for a full 24 hours without the aid of medication
after student takes prescribed antibiotic medication for 24 hours
and the student feels well enough to be in school for a full day.